Thodberg Jens Jakob

Geboren am 14.5.1961 in Dänemark. Lebt und arbeitet in Dänemark.

2001-02 Bachelor Degree in Software Engeneering (Copenhagen University College of Engineering)
1998 10 monatige Ausbildung in "Enviromental management" am HE Education Center in Helsingoer.
1988-96 Master of Science in Engineering
1982-87 Physik- und Chemiestudium an der Universitätin Aarhus

Fotografische Ausbildung:
Teilnahme an Workshops bei FLUSS/Österreich und House of Photagraphy/Slowakei.

About my work:
When I take pictures, I experience a sense of unlimited freedom. With my camera, I can explore the farthest reaches of the human universe. By this I mean both the physical and the spiritual universe. My camera is the extended arm of my memory in the sense that photography helps me remember things experienced. For me, photography is a way of living out feelings, a necessary supplement to the rationality characteristic of my job as a software developer.

Foto: Liptovsky Mikulase Slovakia 2006